1.    Lawfolios is a site for the sale of law books, it does not provide legal advice.

2.    If you need legal advice you should consult a lawyer in the appropriate jurisdiction.

3.    In the United Kingdom legal advice is usually available from one of the following:

  •    A solicitor – a list of solicitors by location and areas of practice for England and Wales will be found on the web site of the Law Society here (similar sites exist for Scotland and Northern Ireland). Note that it is not unusual for     solicitors to offer a free initial consultation and they will explain about legal aid, ‘no win, no fee’ and similar arrangements that they may offer.
  •   Some barristers will accept instructions directly from members of the public in England & Wales (this will appear on their web entries).
  •   The Citizen’s Advice Bureau which is available countrywide at citizensadvice.org.uk.
  •   Many household or motoring insurances will provide cover for legal advice.
  •   Many trade unions and trade bodies also have a legal advice service.


(i)    There is an old saying “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” which is very true of the law. If you are a lay person and feel like buying some law books on this site to read around areas of the law you are being advised upon by you own lawyers then fine (but your lawyer is the expert!).

(ii)    Lay people reading old legal books and thinking of acting on what they read when they are amateurs is simply asking for trouble.   If you have a legal issue – ask a professional.